Sunday, February 20, 2011


Well it's been a long time since I posted, have been dealing with a crashed computer situation....something I hope never happens again.....!!! How is your weather, because ours here was beautiful today...Actually went out without a coat this last week and the snow has all melted....Hip hip....And, the days are getting longer ....woot woot....!!! So hang in there, it'll be here before you know it...

I hope to get my .com up and running this next month after getting my computer back (using my daughter's lately) will post when it's ready...

(This photo is Maureen's from her blog)....Have you checked out her new bunny pattern, OMGosh it is the can position the ears where you want them...and she's done some cutsie shoes on a couple she put on ebay and the dresses are adorable with all the flowers......check it out...worth the look.... ....!!

Will post pics of my new Sweet Meadows Farm bunnies soon.... may do a giveaway also...if time permits...have a couple festivals coming up....Hope you have a great week ahead....enjoy the weather...!!!!

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