Monday, December 19, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

Just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...!!! Enjoy, Ours won't be a white christmas, but I have family from Oregon here so it will be extra special this year. Haven't seen my sista in about 5 years so am glad she is here to visit...

Enjoy your holiday season....!!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy Fall !!!

Wow, fall sure came rushing's brrr cold out....and in too!!! This is my adorable granddaughter on the Carolina Beach in North Carolina.....sure looks warm. She looks like she's getting a good uhhh..."burn", instead of a tan....I'm thinking I may just have to move there next year with my daughter and her family....looks like a great place to live. :)

On another note, is anyone else having major problems with "blogger"? I can't seem to bring up a lot of blogs I used to bring up.....what is going on with them!!! Just wondering if anyone has any insight ..can you let others know. It's pretty annoying....'s back to crafting for a Christmas Candlelight Walk and Festival coming up in about a month so am again scrambling..... Now I have two stores to fill up....arghhhh....sometimes I wonder why I do what I do!!! It seems like my life revolves around crafting, and I don't seem to get to enjoy much of anything else, oh, and working at the craft mall...they always seem to need worries though, it is enjoyable...:)

Hope you enjoy this little bit of fall we're gonna have, I think winter is going to come rather early this year and it's gonna be a bit CHILLy!!! So enjoy, and happy crafting!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nickorbob's Home Decor

Check out this new blog. " Just click on Nickorbob's Home Decor" above in the title to go right to the blog.....It is one of the craft malls where I have a store. Located about 25 min South of downtown Springfield, IL. This mall has a lot to offer and is just a fun place to come and visit, and to have a store in. The owners are both great guys and do a lot to help promote our business and make sure we have everything we need. It's just like a big family with a warm atmosphere right when you first walk in the door....(smells wonderful too, thanks to Kendra's fabulous candles)...The selection of merchandise is outstanding!!! Go check out the blog and follow it also, so we can get the word out about the mall. In case you're coming our way to visit, we'd love for you to stop by and see us.....

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Come check out the in July craft show....

If you get time, come check out the EZCraftShow .."Christmas in July" ....starts today at 10:00 a.m. and runs thru July 27th... I have a few items listed including annies, snowmen, and santas....will be running sales throughout and also discounts on certain days, and also will be doing an annie giveaway.....or a santa, or?? Never know.

And, if you have some items you would like to sell...come join the sale..$10.00 for 10 items...can't beat the price...

Thanks for visiting and another giveaway coming up soon, will be doing lots of different giveaways...specials...etc. :0) My last giveaway, I gave away 4 annies, a scarecrow and a this next one may be larger...and by the way...that's a lot of names to write out.....!!!!

but we came up with one big winner and several others. :0)

Have a wonderful .....productive today!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Good Tuesday Morning to you all!!!

Morning, hope you are all having a wonderful start to your day....Just wanted to remind you all to send me your addresses...I can't mail ...until I get e-mail is on my facebook tag next to this post....Would like to mail sometime this week if possible...Tamara, need your address especially since you are the big winner, Maxie ...PRIMS AND ANNIES (Maxie...were you able to view the annies on facebook??), and Shawnette of IMSEEINGRAGGEDIES (got your choice :) ) anyone who would like a gift that left me a comment...had I think 11 or 12 comments...??? Miss Denni from, I have your address hon..:0)...

Enjoy your day!!!!

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Thanks to all who entered.....and for the very nice comments!!!

Winner #1.....Tamera
Winner #2......Imseeingraggedies-nutt
Winner#3.......Prims & Annies

You may all choose which annie you would like from my facebook page....Just go to my profile page and the first 7 annies.....your choice....:))

NOTE:.....if they are the same....gonna have to do some sewing will be mailed on Monday...unless you choose duplicates, then it may be a week for one or??)

If you left a comment for me.....and didn't win above ....send me your address cause I will be sending each of you something...thanks again.....My e-mail is on my facebook page...if you don't have facebook...just leave me a comment below, and I will leave my e-mail for you......

Have a great day, and Congratulations to the winners.....!!!!!!!!

(I would put out the pics here, but my settings are such that I can't add pictures to posts...and haven't quite figured out which setting to change so???? ) Anyone know???? Let me know if ya do, I would rerally appreciate it...!!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Arghhhhh......working on drawing a name.....just got internet working again..!!!!

Thanks everyone for entering....I am so sorry but my satellite dish went crazy..... haven't had internet for 2 1/2 days and this great guy from Dish Network just got it fixed....I am working on writing out all names to be may take a bit, so will try to post the winner tonight, but definetly by tomorrow 10:00 AM......again, my apologies but will probably draw 2-3 names of winners for 2-3 different annies....will be their choice, and they will pick from annies I have available.....1st winner will win Pepper Annie (or a different choice if they want it..!!!) Will be soon, thanks so much for your patience....Gosh it's grand to have internet again...Cyndi

Thursday, May 19, 2011

GIVEAWAY TIME!!!!! And,....WHERE oh where is Summer!!!

GIVEAWAY!!!!! I am doing a give-away.....finally....Pepper Annie above, have one more and she is just about finished so thought since it's slow and they aren't selling, I would do a giveaway ...She is 10 inches tall and is a My Raggedy Dolls pattern....dress is yellow, green and red pepper print and bodice is yellowish gold/red polka dot, and her loons are the same yellow/red polka dot..blond hair, green eyes :0)....Enter a comment below ....will enter your name once...1 entry....follow my blog entry (followers already on the blog 2 entries)....mention on your blog...2 entries... Sounds!!!! Will draw a name on June 10th.....Hope you win!!! Good luck....

NOW, where is S U M M E R !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGosh, I had the heat on last night, 1 week before June....Is this normal....seems like I normally shut off the heat end of April....It was so cool, it felt like Fall ....Well...hope it doesn't

Good luck again, and have a fun week...!!!!! Leave your "stuff" Below....:0)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!!!

Wishing you a very happy easter.....And hoping you all enjoy the beautiful day...cough cough....going to rain here again.....but I guess that's what "spring" is all about....rain, and more rain...

Well...I would add a picture or two but after getting my computer back from the big "Crash", I can't do a lot of things I used to do and one of them seems to be ...that I can't add pictures to my blog posts....god only knows why...maybe if someone knows they can share with me what I'm doing wrong...probably one of my settings..think my son-in-law doesn't want to have to again fix one of my computers so he fixed it so I wouldn't accidentally log in or download something I'm not supposed's a sweety!!!! Love ya Chris...

Well...anyway, enjoy your easter....

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Well it's been a long time since I posted, have been dealing with a crashed computer situation....something I hope never happens again.....!!! How is your weather, because ours here was beautiful today...Actually went out without a coat this last week and the snow has all melted....Hip hip....And, the days are getting longer ....woot woot....!!! So hang in there, it'll be here before you know it...

I hope to get my .com up and running this next month after getting my computer back (using my daughter's lately) will post when it's ready...

(This photo is Maureen's from her blog)....Have you checked out her new bunny pattern, OMGosh it is the can position the ears where you want them...and she's done some cutsie shoes on a couple she put on ebay and the dresses are adorable with all the flowers......check it out...worth the look.... ....!!

Will post pics of my new Sweet Meadows Farm bunnies soon.... may do a giveaway also...if time permits...have a couple festivals coming up....Hope you have a great week ahead....enjoy the weather...!!!!